Top 100 Philosophy Books

Explore the Wisdom of the Ages with the Best of the Best!

This book is a comprehensive guide to the top 100 philosophy books of all time. It provides an overview of the major philosophical works from ancient to modern times, highlighting the most influential and important works in the field. It also includes detailed summaries of each book, along with biographical information about

{"_id": "top-100-philosophy-books-2023-07-24", "listData": {"id": "top-100-philosophy-books-2023-07-24", "key": "top-100-philosophy-books", "name": "Top 100 Philosophy Books-2023-07-24", "slug": "top-100-philosophy-books-2023-07-24", "db": "FSDB", "collection": "LISTS", "status": "WIP", "cat": "Books", "rank": 0, "title": "Top 100 Philosophy Books", "tagline": "Explore the Wisdom of the Ages with the Best of the Best!", "description": "This book is a comprehensive guide to the top 100 philosophy books of all time. It provides an overview of the major philosophical works from ancient to modern times, highlighting the most influential and important works in the field. It also includes detailed summaries of each book, along with biographical information about", "date": "2023-07-24 17:37:41.016240", "data": "gpt3", "cta": "", "year": "2023", "image": "", "totalListItems": 0, "tags": ["#Philosophy", "#Books", "#Top100"], "image_thumbnail": ""}, "listItems": [{"_id": "the-open-society-and-its-enemies-by-karl-popper", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 37, "name": "37. The Open Society and Its Enemies by Karl Popper", "title": "The Open Society and Its Enemies by Karl Popper", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-open-society-and-its-enemies-by-karl-popper", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Exploring the Tensions between Freedom and Authority in a Changing World", "description": "The Open Society and Its Enemies by Karl Popper is a classic work of political philosophy that examines the concept of an open society and its enemies. In this book, Popper argues that an open society is the only way to achieve true freedom and progress, while its enemies are those forces that", "image": "", "tags": ["#KarlPopper", "#OpenSociety", "#Philosophy", "#Politics", "#SocialTheory"]}, {"_id": "the-myth-of-sisyphus-by-albert-camus", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 45, "name": "45. The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus", "title": "The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-myth-of-sisyphus-by-albert-camus", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Unlock the Meaning of Life\\'s Most Perplexing Paradox", "description": "The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus is a philosophical essay exploring the absurd and the meaning of life. In the essay, Camus examines the ancient Greek myth of Sisyphus, a man condemned to an eternity of rolling a boulder up a hill only to have it", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Albert", "Camus,", "Mythology,", "Existentialism,", "Philosophy,", "Sisyphus"]}, {"_id": "the-will-to-believe-by-william-james", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 36, "name": "36. The Will to Believe by William James", "title": "The Will to Believe by William James", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-will-to-believe-by-william-james", "tagline": "Unlock the Power of Possibility with William James\\' The Will to Believe.", "description": "The Will to Believe by William James is a philosophical essay that explores the notion of religious faith and the power of belief. In this essay, James argues that it is possible to believe in something without having absolute proof of its truth. He examines the idea that faith is a legitimate form of knowledge", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["#Philosophy", "#WilliamJames", "#TheWillToBelieve", "#Religion", "#Faith"]}, {"_id": "the-phenomenology-of-perception-by-maurice-merleau-ponty", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 27, "name": "27. The Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty", "title": "The Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-phenomenology-of-perception-by-maurice-merleau-ponty", "tagline": "Unlock the Secrets of the Mind Through the Eyes of Merleau-Ponty", "description": "The Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty is a philosophical treatise that examines the nature of perception and how it shapes our understanding of the world. Merleau-Ponty draws on phenomenology, a philosophical method that focuses on the subjective experience of the perce", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Maurice", "Merleau-Ponty,", "Phenomenology,", "Perception,", "Philosophy"]}, {"_id": "the-nature-of-the-good-by-plato", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 33, "name": "33. The Nature of the Good by Plato", "title": "The Nature of the Good by Plato", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-nature-of-the-good-by-plato", "tagline": "Unlock the Secrets of Ancient Wisdom to Find the Path to True Happiness", "description": "This book by Plato examines the concept of the \"good\" and its role in the life of an individual. It looks at the various aspects of the good, including its moral, ethical, and metaphysical implications. Plato argues that the good is an essential part of human life and is the foundation", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Plato,", "Philosophy,", "Ethics,", "Morality,", "Goodness"]}, {"_id": "the-phenomenology-of-spirit-by-georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 9, "name": "9. The Phenomenology of Spirit by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", "title": "The Phenomenology of Spirit by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-phenomenology-of-spirit-by-georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel", "tagline": "Exploring the Depths of Human Consciousness and the Nature of Reality", "description": "The Phenomenology of Spirit by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is a philosophical work that explores the concept of self-consciousness and its relationship to the external world. It is a comprehensive examination of the development of the human spirit, from its earliest beginnings to its highest potential. Hegel's work is", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Philosophy,", "Georg", "Wilhelm", "Friedrich", "Hegel,", "Phenomenology,", "Spirit"]}, {"_id": "the-phenomenology-of-perception-by-maurice-merleau-ponty", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 69, "name": "69. The Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty", "title": "The Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-phenomenology-of-perception-by-maurice-merleau-ponty", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Unlock the Secrets of the Mind Through the Eyes of Merleau-Ponty", "description": "The Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty is a philosophical treatise that examines the nature of perception and how it shapes our understanding of the world. Merleau-Ponty draws on phenomenology, a philosophical method that focuses on the subjective experience of the perce", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Maurice", "Merleau-Ponty,", "Phenomenology,", "Perception,", "Philosophy"]}, {"_id": "the-art-of-loving-by-erich-fromm", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 50, "name": "50. The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm", "title": "The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-art-of-loving-by-erich-fromm", "cat": "Self-Help/Psychology", "tagline": "Discover the Keys to Lasting Fulfillment in Relationships", "description": "This classic work by renowned psychoanalyst Erich Fromm explores the concept of love in all its forms. Fromm examines the nature of love, its psychological and social implications, and the various ways in which it can be expressed. He also discusses the importance of self-love, the", "image": "", "tags": ["#ErichFromm", "#TheArtofLoving", "#Love", "#Psychology", "#SelfHelp"]}, {"_id": "the-meaning-of-life-by-terry-eagleton", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 26, "name": "26. The Meaning of Life by Terry Eagleton", "title": "The Meaning of Life by Terry Eagleton", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-meaning-of-life-by-terry-eagleton", "tagline": "Uncover the Deeper Questions of Existence with Terry Eagleton\\'s Thought-Provoking Exploration of the Meaning of Life", "description": "This book by renowned literary theorist Terry Eagleton explores the timeless question of what the meaning of life is. Drawing on philosophy, literature, and religion, Eagleton examines the various ways in which people have sought to answer this question throughout history. He looks at the ideas of great thinkers such as", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Terry", "Eagleton,", "The", "Meaning", "of", "Life,", "Philosophy,", "Existentialism,", "Meaning,", "Life"]}, {"_id": "meditations-by-marcus-aurelius", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 3, "name": "3. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius", "title": "Meditations by Marcus Aurelius", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "meditations-by-marcus-aurelius", "tagline": "Find Inner Peace and Clarity with the Ancient Wisdom of Marcus Aurelius", "description": "Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is a timeless collection of Stoic philosophy from the Roman emperor and philosopher. This book offers readers a unique insight into the mind of one of the most influential thinkers of all time. Through his reflections on life and death, duty and destiny, and the", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["#Meditations", "#MarcusAurelius", "#Philosophy", "#Stoicism", "#SelfImprovement", "#SelfReflection"]}, {"_id": "the-open-society-and-its-enemies-by-karl-popper", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 84, "name": "84. The Open Society and Its Enemies by Karl Popper", "title": "The Open Society and Its Enemies by Karl Popper", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-open-society-and-its-enemies-by-karl-popper", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Exploring the Tensions between Freedom and Authority in a Changing World", "description": "The Open Society and Its Enemies by Karl Popper is a classic work of political philosophy that examines the concept of an open society and its enemies. In this book, Popper argues that an open society is the only way to achieve true freedom and progress, while its enemies are those forces that", "image": "", "tags": ["#KarlPopper", "#OpenSociety", "#Philosophy", "#Politics", "#SocialTheory"]}, {"_id": "the-varieties-of-religious-experience-by-william-james", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 89, "name": "89. The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James", "title": "The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-varieties-of-religious-experience-by-william-james", "cat": "Religion/Philosophy", "tagline": "Exploring the Depths of Faith and Belief", "description": "The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James is a classic work of psychology that examines the nature of religious experience. In this groundbreaking book, James examines the various forms of religious experience, from conversion to mysticism, and explores the psychological and philosophical implications of these experiences. He also examines the", "image": "", "tags": ["Religion,", "William", "James,", "Philosophy,", "Psychology,", "Theology,", "Varieties", "of", "Religious", "Experience"]}, {"_id": "meditations-by-marcus-aurelius", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 57, "name": "57. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius", "title": "Meditations by Marcus Aurelius", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "meditations-by-marcus-aurelius", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Find Inner Peace and Clarity with the Ancient Wisdom of Marcus Aurelius", "description": "Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is a timeless collection of Stoic philosophy from the Roman emperor and philosopher. This book offers readers a unique insight into the mind of one of the most influential thinkers of all time. Through his reflections on life and death, duty and destiny, and the", "image": "", "tags": ["#Meditations", "#MarcusAurelius", "#Philosophy", "#Stoicism", "#SelfImprovement", "#SelfReflection"]}, {"_id": "the-concept-of-anxiety-by-s\u00f8ren-kierkegaard", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 32, "name": "32. The Concept of Anxiety by S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard", "title": "The Concept of Anxiety by S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-concept-of-anxiety-by-s\u00f8ren-kierkegaard", "tagline": "Explore the Depths of Fear and Anxiety with S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard\\'s Classic Work", "description": "This book by S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard is a philosophical exploration of the concept of anxiety. It examines the psychological and spiritual implications of anxiety, and how it affects our lives. It looks at how anxiety can be a source of both suffering and growth, and how it can shape our decisions", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "\u00f8ren-kierkegaard.png", "tags": ["S\u00f8ren", "Kierkegaard,", "Anxiety,", "Philosophy,", "Psychology,", "Mental", "Health,", "Existentialism"]}, {"_id": "the-myth-of-mental-illness-by-thomas-szasz", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 100, "name": "100. The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz", "title": "The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-myth-of-mental-illness-by-thomas-szasz", "cat": "Mental Health", "tagline": "Uncovering the Truth Behind Mental Health and Wellbeing", "description": "This book by Thomas Szasz examines the concept of mental illness and its implications in society. Szasz argues that mental illness is a myth, and that it is used as a tool to control and manipulate people. He examines the history of mental illness and its various treatments, and challenges", "image": "", "tags": ["#MentalIllness", "#ThomasSzasz", "#Myth", "#Psychology"]}, {"_id": "the-wisdom-of-insecurity-by-alan-watts", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 20, "name": "20. The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts", "title": "The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-wisdom-of-insecurity-by-alan-watts", "cat": "Self-Help/Philosophy", "tagline": "Unlock the Power of Uncertainty and Find Your True Self", "description": "This book by Alan Watts explores the idea of finding peace and contentment in the midst of life's uncertainties. Drawing from Eastern and Western philosophies, Watts examines the idea that security is an illusion and that true wisdom lies in accepting life's uncertainties. He encourages readers to embrace the unknown and find", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Alan", "Watts,", "The", "Wisdom", "of", "Insecurity,", "Philosophy,", "Self-Help,", "Mental", "Health"]}, {"_id": "the-analysis-of-mind-by-bertrand-russell", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 19, "name": "19. The Analysis of Mind by Bertrand Russell", "title": "The Analysis of Mind by Bertrand Russell", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-analysis-of-mind-by-bertrand-russell", "tagline": "Unlock the Secrets of the Human Mind with Bertrand Russell\\'s Groundbreaking Exploration.", "description": "This book by renowned philosopher Bertrand Russell examines the nature of the mind and its relationship to the physical world. Russell explores the implications of the mind's ability to think, reason, and form ideas, and how these mental processes are related to the physical world. He also examines the implications of", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Bertrand", "Russell,", "The", "Analysis", "of", "Mind,", "Philosophy,", "Psychology,", "Cognitive", "Science"]}, {"_id": "the-prince-by-niccol\u00f2-machiavelli", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 59, "name": "59. The Prince by Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli", "title": "The Prince by Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-prince-by-niccol\u00f2-machiavelli", "cat": "Classical Literature", "tagline": "Unlock the Secrets of Power and Politics with The Prince by Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli", "description": "The Prince by Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli is a timeless classic that examines the power of politics and the art of ruling. Written in 1513, this treatise offers a detailed analysis of the various methods and strategies of successful rulers and provides insight into the nature of power and its", "image": "\u00f2-machiavelli.png", "tags": ["#Niccol\u00f2Machiavelli", "#ThePrince", "#PoliticalPhilosophy", "#RenaissanceLiterature", "#ClassicalTexts"]}, {"_id": "the-genealogy-of-morals-by-friedrich-nietzsche", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 93, "name": "93. The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche", "title": "The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-genealogy-of-morals-by-friedrich-nietzsche", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Unraveling the Roots of Our Moral Values", "description": "The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche is a philosophical treatise that examines the origins of morality and its development throughout history. Nietzsche argues that morality is a product of the will to power, and that it is used to oppress the weak and to maintain the status quo. He further argues", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Friedrich", "Nietzsche,", "Genealogy", "of", "Morals,", "Philosophy,", "Ethics,", "Morality"]}, {"_id": "the-problems-of-philosophy-by-bertrand-russell", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 42, "name": "42. The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell", "title": "The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-problems-of-philosophy-by-bertrand-russell", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Uncovering the Complexities of Life\\'s Biggest Questions", "description": "This book by Bertrand Russell examines the fundamental questions of philosophy, such as the nature of knowledge, the limits of reason, and the existence of God. Through a series of essays, Russell examines the various theories of the major philosophers of the past and present, and provides his own insights into", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Bertrand", "Russell,", "Philosophy,", "Problems,", "The", "Problems", "of", "Philosophy"]}, {"_id": "beyond-good-and-evil-by-friedrich-nietzsche", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 62, "name": "62. Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche", "title": "Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "beyond-good-and-evil-by-friedrich-nietzsche", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Unlock the Power of Your True Self and Discover a New Way of Thinking.", "description": "Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche is a philosophical work that explores the concept of morality and the nature of good and evil. Through a series of thought-provoking essays, Nietzsche examines the traditional values of society and challenges the accepted notions of right and wrong. He questions the validity of morality", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Friedrich", "Nietzsche,", "Beyond", "Good", "and", "Evil,", "Philosophy,", "Existentialism,", "Ethics"]}, {"_id": "the-republic-by-plato", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 76, "name": "76. The Republic by Plato", "title": "The Republic by Plato", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-republic-by-plato", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Discover the Wisdom of Ancient Greece!", "description": "The Republic is a philosophical dialogue by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, written in the 4th century BC. It is one of the most influential works of philosophy and political theory, and is widely considered to be Plato's magnum opus. The dialogue covers a wide range of topics, including", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Plato,", "Ancient", "Greece,", "Philosophy,", "Politics,", "Republic"]}, {"_id": "the-myth-of-sisyphus-by-albert-camus", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 11, "name": "11. The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus", "title": "The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-myth-of-sisyphus-by-albert-camus", "tagline": "Unlock the Meaning of Life\\'s Most Perplexing Paradox", "description": "The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus is a philosophical essay exploring the absurd and the meaning of life. In the essay, Camus examines the ancient Greek myth of Sisyphus, a man condemned to an eternity of rolling a boulder up a hill only to have it", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Albert", "Camus,", "Mythology,", "Existentialism,", "Philosophy,", "Sisyphus"]}, {"_id": "the-consolation-of-philosophy-by-boethius", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 52, "name": "52. The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius", "title": "The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-consolation-of-philosophy-by-boethius", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Discover the Wisdom of the Ages and Find Your Inner Peace", "description": "The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius is a philosophical work written in the 6th century. It is a dialogue between the author and Lady Philosophy, in which Boethius seeks consolation in the face of adversity. The work examines the nature of happiness and justice, and explores the relationship", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Boethius,", "Consolation", "of", "Philosophy,", "Philosophy,", "Ancient", "Philosophy,", "Classical", "Literature"]}, {"_id": "the-critique-of-judgment-by-immanuel-kant", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 65, "name": "65. The Critique of Judgment by Immanuel Kant", "title": "The Critique of Judgment by Immanuel Kant", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-critique-of-judgment-by-immanuel-kant", "tagline": "Unlock the Power of Reason with Kant\\'s Groundbreaking Analysis!", "description": "The Critique of Judgment by Immanuel Kant is a philosophical treatise in which Kant examines the faculty of judgment and its role in aesthetic and teleological judgment. Kant argues that the faculty of judgment is a higher cognitive power than understanding, and that it is the basis of aesthetic and teleological", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Immanuel", "Kant,", "The", "Critique", "of", "Judgment,", "Philosophy,", "Critique,", "Judgment"]}, {"_id": "the-passions-of-the-soul-by-ren\u00e9-descartes", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 64, "name": "64. The Passions of the Soul by Ren\u00e9 Descartes", "title": "The Passions of the Soul by Ren\u00e9 Descartes", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-passions-of-the-soul-by-ren\u00e9-descartes", "tagline": "Unlock the Philosophical Depths of the Human Mind", "description": "The Passions of the Soul by Ren\u00e9 Descartes is a philosophical treatise written in 1649. In this work, Descartes examines the nature of the emotions and their effects on the human mind. He argues that the passions are the result of the interaction between the soul and", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "\u00e9-descartes.png", "tags": ["Ren\u00e9", "Descartes,", "The", "Passions", "of", "the", "Soul,", "Philosophy,", "Psychology,", "Cognitive", "Science,", "17th", "Century", "Literature"]}, {"_id": "the-republic-by-plato", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 55, "name": "55. The Republic by Plato", "title": "The Republic by Plato", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-republic-by-plato", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Discover the Wisdom of Ancient Greece!", "description": "The Republic is a philosophical dialogue by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, written in the 4th century BC. It is one of the most influential works of philosophy and political theory, and is widely considered to be Plato's magnum opus. The dialogue covers a wide range of topics, including", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Plato,", "Ancient", "Greece,", "Philosophy,", "Politics,", "Republic"]}, {"_id": "the-problems-of-philosophy-by-bertrand-russell", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 16, "name": "16. The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell", "title": "The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-problems-of-philosophy-by-bertrand-russell", "tagline": "Uncovering the Complexities of Life\\'s Biggest Questions", "description": "This book by Bertrand Russell examines the fundamental questions of philosophy, such as the nature of knowledge, the limits of reason, and the existence of God. Through a series of essays, Russell examines the various theories of the major philosophers of the past and present, and provides his own insights into", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Bertrand", "Russell,", "Philosophy,", "Problems,", "The", "Problems", "of", "Philosophy"]}, {"_id": "discourse-on-method-by-ren\u00e9-descartes", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 83, "name": "83. Discourse on Method by Ren\u00e9 Descartes", "title": "Discourse on Method by Ren\u00e9 Descartes", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "discourse-on-method-by-ren\u00e9-descartes", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Exploring the Path to Rational Thought", "description": "Discourse on Method by Ren\u00e9 Descartes is a philosophical treatise written by the French philosopher in 1637. In it, Descartes attempts to arrive at a fundamental set of principles that can be known with certainty and used as the basis for a philosophical system. He examines the", "image": "\u00e9-descartes.png", "tags": ["#Ren\u00e9Descartes", "#DiscourseonMethod", "#Philosophy", "#Epistemology", "#Metaphysics"]}, {"_id": "nicomachean-ethics-by-aristotle", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 56, "name": "56. Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle", "title": "Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "nicomachean-ethics-by-aristotle", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Discover the Ancient Wisdom of the Philosopher Who Changed the World", "description": "The Nicomachean Ethics is a philosophical work by Aristotle, written in the 4th century BC. It is one of the most influential works of philosophy in Western thought, and is considered to be the foundation of ethical thought. The work covers topics such as the nature of happiness, the", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Aristotle,", "Nicomachean", "Ethics,", "Philosophy,", "Ethics,", "Ancient", "Greek", "Philosophy"]}, {"_id": "the-critique-of-practical-reason-by-immanuel-kant", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 72, "name": "72. The Critique of Practical Reason by Immanuel Kant", "title": "The Critique of Practical Reason by Immanuel Kant", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-critique-of-practical-reason-by-immanuel-kant", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Uncovering the Rational Foundations of Moral Philosophy", "description": "The Critique of Practical Reason by Immanuel Kant is a philosophical work that examines the nature of morality and the limits of human reason. Kant argues that morality is based on a universal moral law, and that human reason can be used to discover this law. He also argues that morality is", "image": "", "tags": ["Immanuel", "Kant,", "The", "Critique", "of", "Practical", "Reason,", "Philosophy,", "Ethics,", "Morality"]}, {"_id": "the-consolation-of-philosophy-by-boethius", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 88, "name": "88. The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius", "title": "The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-consolation-of-philosophy-by-boethius", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Discover the Wisdom of the Ages and Find Your Inner Peace", "description": "The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius is a philosophical work written in the 6th century. It is a dialogue between the author and Lady Philosophy, in which Boethius seeks consolation in the face of adversity. The work examines the nature of happiness and justice, and explores the relationship", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Boethius,", "Consolation", "of", "Philosophy,", "Philosophy,", "Ancient", "Philosophy,", "Classical", "Literature"]}, {"_id": "the-concept-of-mind-by-gilbert-ryle", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 95, "name": "95. The Concept of Mind by Gilbert Ryle", "title": "The Concept of Mind by Gilbert Ryle", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-concept-of-mind-by-gilbert-ryle", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Unlock the Secrets of the Human Mind with Gilbert Ryle\\'s Groundbreaking Theory!", "description": "This book by Gilbert Ryle explores the philosophical concept of the mind and its relationship to the body. It examines the traditional view of the mind as an entity separate from the body, and challenges this view with the concept of \"the ghost in the machine\". Ryle argues that the mind is", "image": "", "tags": ["#Philosophy", "#Mind", "#GilbertRyle", "#Concept"]}, {"_id": "a-treatise-of-human-nature-by-david-hume", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 85, "name": "85. A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume", "title": "A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "a-treatise-of-human-nature-by-david-hume", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Uncovering the Nature of Human Understanding and Reasoning", "description": "This book is a classic philosophical work by the Scottish philosopher David Hume. It is an exploration of human nature and its various aspects, including the nature of knowledge, morality, and the human mind. It is considered to be one of the most influential works of modern philosophy, and has had a", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "David", "Hume,", "Human", "Nature,", "Treatise,", "Philosophy"]}, {"_id": "the-critique-of-dialectical-reason-by-jean-paul-sartre", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 74, "name": "74. The Critique of Dialectical Reason by Jean-Paul Sartre", "title": "The Critique of Dialectical Reason by Jean-Paul Sartre", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-critique-of-dialectical-reason-by-jean-paul-sartre", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Unraveling the Complexity of Human Existence Through Philosophical Reflection", "description": "The Critique of Dialectical Reason by Jean-Paul Sartre is a philosophical work that examines the concept of dialectical reason and its implications for human existence. In it, Sartre examines the dialectical structure of human thought and its relationship to the world. He looks at", "image": "", "tags": ["Jean-Paul", "Sartre,", "The", "Critique", "of", "Dialectical", "Reason,", "Philosophy,", "Dialectics,", "Critical", "Theory"]}, {"_id": "the-concept-of-law-by-h.l.a", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 99, "name": "99. The Concept of Law by H.L.A. Hart", "title": "The Concept of Law by H.L.A", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-concept-of-law-by-h.l.a", "cat": "Legal Theory/Philosophy", "tagline": "Uncovering the Principles of a Just Society", "description": "This book by H.L.A. Hart examines the concept of law and its role in society. Hart provides an in-depth analysis of the nature of law, its origins, and its relationship to morality and justice. He discusses the various theories of law, including natural law", "image": "", "tags": ["Law,", "H.L.A.", "Hart,", "Legal", "Theory,", "Jurisprudence,", "Philosophy", "of", "Law"]}, {"_id": "the-critique-of-political-economy-by-karl-marx", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 75, "name": "75. The Critique of Political Economy by Karl Marx", "title": "The Critique of Political Economy by Karl Marx", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-critique-of-political-economy-by-karl-marx", "cat": "Political Science", "tagline": "Uncovering the Hidden Structures of Capitalism and Revolutionizing the Way We Think About Economics", "description": "The Critique of Political Economy by Karl Marx is a groundbreaking work that examines the economic and social relationships of capitalism. In this work, Marx analyzes the capitalist system and its effects on the working class, as well as the role of the state in maintaining the system. He also examines the", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Karl", "Marx,", "Political", "Economy,", "Critique,", "Economics,", "Marxism"]}, {"_id": "the-will-to-power-by-friedrich-nietzsche", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 53, "name": "53. The Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche", "title": "The Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-will-to-power-by-friedrich-nietzsche", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Unlock Your Inner Strength and Transform Your Life with Friedrich Nietzsche\\'s Philosophy of Self-Mastery.", "description": "The Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche is a philosophical treatise exploring the concept of power and its implications for the individual and society. Nietzsche examines the role of power in the formation of morality, the nature of truth, and the relationship between the individual and the state. He also examines the nature", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Friedrich", "Nietzsche,", "Philosophy,", "Will", "to", "Power,", "Existentialism,", "Ethics,", "Morality"]}, {"_id": "the-varieties-of-existential-experience-by-rollo-may", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 46, "name": "46. The Varieties of Existential Experience by Rollo May", "title": "The Varieties of Existential Experience by Rollo May", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-varieties-of-existential-experience-by-rollo-may", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Exploring the Depths of Human Consciousness and Meaning", "description": "This book by Rollo May explores the various forms of existential experience. It examines the philosophical and psychological aspects of the human experience, focusing on topics such as freedom, choice, responsibility, and death. May also examines the ways in which these experiences shape our lives and our relationships with others.", "image": "", "tags": ["#Existentialism", "#RolloMay", "#Philosophy", "#Psychology", "#ExistentialExperience"]}, {"_id": "the-varieties-of-religious-experience-by-william-james", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 18, "name": "18. 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He also examines the", "image": "", "tags": ["Religion,", "William", "James,", "Philosophy,", "Psychology,", "Theology,", "Varieties", "of", "Religious", "Experience"]}, {"_id": "the-social-contract-by-jean-jacques-rousseau", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 10, "name": "10. The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau", "title": "The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-social-contract-by-jean-jacques-rousseau", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Discover the Revolutionary Ideas that Shaped Modern Society", "description": "The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a classic work of political philosophy that examines the foundations of civil society. It explores the relationship between the individual and the state, and argues that legitimate government is based on the consent of the governed. Rousseau's ideas had a profound influence", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Jean-Jacques", "Rousseau,", "Social", "Contract,", "Philosophy,", "Political", "Theory,", "Enlightenment"]}, {"_id": "the-courage-to-be-by-paul-tillich", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 98, "name": "98. The Courage to Be by Paul Tillich", "title": "The Courage to Be by Paul Tillich", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-courage-to-be-by-paul-tillich", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Discovering the Strength to Live Authentically in an Uncertain World", "description": "This book by renowned theologian Paul Tillich explores the concept of courage and its importance in our lives. Through a combination of philosophical and psychological insights, Tillich examines the power of courage to help us overcome our fears and doubts and to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. He also discusses", "image": "", "tags": ["#PaulTillich", "#TheCourageToBe", "#Philosophy", "#SelfHelp", "#Spirituality"]}, {"_id": "the-open-society-and-its-enemies-by-karl-popper", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 13, "name": "13. The Open Society and Its Enemies by Karl Popper", "title": "The Open Society and Its Enemies by Karl Popper", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-open-society-and-its-enemies-by-karl-popper", "tagline": "Exploring the Tensions between Freedom and Authority in a Changing World", "description": "The Open Society and Its Enemies by Karl Popper is a classic work of political philosophy that examines the concept of an open society and its enemies. In this book, Popper argues that an open society is the only way to achieve true freedom and progress, while its enemies are those forces that", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["#KarlPopper", "#OpenSociety", "#Philosophy", "#Politics", "#SocialTheory"]}, {"_id": "the-varieties-of-existential-experience-by-rollo-may", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 96, "name": "96. The Varieties of Existential Experience by Rollo May", "title": "The Varieties of Existential Experience by Rollo May", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-varieties-of-existential-experience-by-rollo-may", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Exploring the Depths of Human Consciousness and Meaning", "description": "This book by Rollo May explores the various forms of existential experience. It examines the philosophical and psychological aspects of the human experience, focusing on topics such as freedom, choice, responsibility, and death. May also examines the ways in which these experiences shape our lives and our relationships with others.", "image": "", "tags": ["#Existentialism", "#RolloMay", "#Philosophy", "#Psychology", "#ExistentialExperience"]}, {"_id": "the-meaning-of-life-by-terry-eagleton", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 47, "name": "47. 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He also examines the", "image": "", "tags": ["Religion,", "William", "James,", "Philosophy,", "Psychology,", "Theology,", "Varieties", "of", "Religious", "Experience"]}, {"_id": "the-phenomenology-of-perception-by-maurice-merleau-ponty", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 48, "name": "48. The Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty", "title": "The Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-phenomenology-of-perception-by-maurice-merleau-ponty", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Unlock the Secrets of the Mind Through the Eyes of Merleau-Ponty", "description": "The Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty is a philosophical treatise that examines the nature of perception and how it shapes our understanding of the world. Merleau-Ponty draws on phenomenology, a philosophical method that focuses on the subjective experience of the perce", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Maurice", "Merleau-Ponty,", "Phenomenology,", "Perception,", "Philosophy"]}, {"_id": "the-courage-to-be-by-paul-tillich", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 44, "name": "44. The Courage to Be by Paul Tillich", "title": "The Courage to Be by Paul Tillich", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-courage-to-be-by-paul-tillich", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Discovering the Strength to Live Authentically in an Uncertain World", "description": "This book by renowned theologian Paul Tillich explores the concept of courage and its importance in our lives. Through a combination of philosophical and psychological insights, Tillich examines the power of courage to help us overcome our fears and doubts and to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. 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Rousseau's ideas had a profound influence", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Jean-Jacques", "Rousseau,", "Social", "Contract,", "Philosophy,", "Political", "Theory,", "Enlightenment"]}, {"_id": "the-consolation-of-philosophy-by-boethius", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 17, "name": "17. The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius", "title": "The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-consolation-of-philosophy-by-boethius", "tagline": "Discover the Wisdom of the Ages and Find Your Inner Peace", "description": "The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius is a philosophical work written in the 6th century. It is a dialogue between the author and Lady Philosophy, in which Boethius seeks consolation in the face of adversity. The work examines the nature of happiness and justice, and explores the relationship", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Boethius,", "Consolation", "of", "Philosophy,", "Philosophy,", "Ancient", "Philosophy,", "Classical", "Literature"]}, {"_id": "the-prince-by-niccol\u00f2-machiavelli", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 5, "name": "5. The Prince by Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli", "title": "The Prince by Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-prince-by-niccol\u00f2-machiavelli", "cat": "Classical Literature", "tagline": "Unlock the Secrets of Power and Politics with The Prince by Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli", "description": "The Prince by Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli is a timeless classic that examines the power of politics and the art of ruling. Written in 1513, this treatise offers a detailed analysis of the various methods and strategies of successful rulers and provides insight into the nature of power and its", "image": "\u00f2-machiavelli.png", "tags": ["#Niccol\u00f2Machiavelli", "#ThePrince", "#PoliticalPhilosophy", "#RenaissanceLiterature", "#ClassicalTexts"]}, {"_id": "the-structure-of-scientific-revolutions-by-thomas-kuhn", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 31, "name": "31. 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A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume", "title": "A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "a-treatise-of-human-nature-by-david-hume", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Uncovering the Nature of Human Understanding and Reasoning", "description": "This book is a classic philosophical work by the Scottish philosopher David Hume. It is an exploration of human nature and its various aspects, including the nature of knowledge, morality, and the human mind. It is considered to be one of the most influential works of modern philosophy, and has had a", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "David", "Hume,", "Human", "Nature,", "Treatise,", "Philosophy"]}, {"_id": "the-wisdom-of-insecurity-by-alan-watts", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 49, "name": "49. The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts", "title": "The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-wisdom-of-insecurity-by-alan-watts", "cat": "Self-Help/Philosophy", "tagline": "Unlock the Power of Uncertainty and Find Your True Self", "description": "This book by Alan Watts explores the idea of finding peace and contentment in the midst of life's uncertainties. Drawing from Eastern and Western philosophies, Watts examines the idea that security is an illusion and that true wisdom lies in accepting life's uncertainties. He encourages readers to embrace the unknown and find", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Alan", "Watts,", "The", "Wisdom", "of", "Insecurity,", "Philosophy,", "Self-Help,", "Mental", "Health"]}, {"_id": "the-concept-of-mind-by-gilbert-ryle", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 24, "name": "24. The Concept of Mind by Gilbert Ryle", "title": "The Concept of Mind by Gilbert Ryle", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-concept-of-mind-by-gilbert-ryle", "tagline": "Unlock the Secrets of the Human Mind with Gilbert Ryle\\'s Groundbreaking Theory!", "description": "This book by Gilbert Ryle explores the philosophical concept of the mind and its relationship to the body. It examines the traditional view of the mind as an entity separate from the body, and challenges this view with the concept of \"the ghost in the machine\". Ryle argues that the mind is", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["#Philosophy", "#Mind", "#GilbertRyle", "#Concept"]}, {"_id": "the-world-as-will-and-representation-by-arthur-schopenhauer", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 61, "name": "61. The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer", "title": "The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-world-as-will-and-representation-by-arthur-schopenhauer", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Exploring the Boundaries of Human Perception and Understanding", "description": "The World as Will and Representation is a philosophical treatise by Arthur Schopenhauer, first published in 1818. In this work, Schopenhauer examines the metaphysical nature of reality, arguing that the world is composed of a single underlying substance, which he calls \u201cWill", "image": "", "tags": ["#ArthurSchopenhauer", "#Philosophy", "#TheWorldAsWillAndRepresentation", "#Metaphysics"]}, {"_id": "the-art-of-loving-by-erich-fromm", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 94, "name": "94. 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Discourse on Method by Ren\u00e9 Descartes", "title": "Discourse on Method by Ren\u00e9 Descartes", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "discourse-on-method-by-ren\u00e9-descartes", "tagline": "Exploring the Path to Rational Thought", "description": "Discourse on Method by Ren\u00e9 Descartes is a philosophical treatise written by the French philosopher in 1637. In it, Descartes attempts to arrive at a fundamental set of principles that can be known with certainty and used as the basis for a philosophical system. He examines the", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "\u00e9-descartes.png", "tags": ["#Ren\u00e9Descartes", "#DiscourseonMethod", "#Philosophy", "#Epistemology", "#Metaphysics"]}, {"_id": "being-and-nothingness-by-jean-paul-sartre", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 79, "name": "79. Being and Nothingness by Jean-Paul Sartre", "title": "Being and Nothingness by Jean-Paul Sartre", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "being-and-nothingness-by-jean-paul-sartre", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Exploring the Boundaries of Existence and Non-Existence", "description": "Being and Nothingness by Jean-Paul Sartre is a philosophical treatise that examines the nature of being and nothingness. It is considered one of the most influential works of 20th century philosophy and is a cornerstone of existentialism. The book explores the fundamental questions of existence, such", "image": "", "tags": ["Jean-Paul", "Sartre,", "Being", "and", "Nothingness,", "Existentialism,", "Philosophy,", "Literary", "Criticism"]}, {"_id": "the-critique-of-dialectical-reason-by-jean-paul-sartre", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 67, "name": "67. The Critique of Dialectical Reason by Jean-Paul Sartre", "title": "The Critique of Dialectical Reason by Jean-Paul Sartre", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-critique-of-dialectical-reason-by-jean-paul-sartre", "tagline": "Unraveling the Complexity of Human Existence Through Philosophical Reflection", "description": "The Critique of Dialectical Reason by Jean-Paul Sartre is a philosophical work that examines the concept of dialectical reason and its implications for human existence. In it, Sartre examines the dialectical structure of human thought and its relationship to the world. He looks at", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Jean-Paul", "Sartre,", "The", "Critique", "of", "Dialectical", "Reason,", "Philosophy,", "Dialectics,", "Critical", "Theory"]}, {"_id": "the-art-of-loving-by-erich-fromm", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 23, "name": "23. The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm", "title": "The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-art-of-loving-by-erich-fromm", "cat": "Self-Help/Psychology", "tagline": "Discover the Keys to Lasting Fulfillment in Relationships", "description": "This classic work by renowned psychoanalyst Erich Fromm explores the concept of love in all its forms. Fromm examines the nature of love, its psychological and social implications, and the various ways in which it can be expressed. He also discusses the importance of self-love, the", "image": "", "tags": ["#ErichFromm", "#TheArtofLoving", "#Love", "#Psychology", "#SelfHelp"]}, {"_id": "the-myth-of-mental-illness-by-thomas-szasz", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 51, "name": "51. 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The Critique of Political Economy by Karl Marx", "title": "The Critique of Political Economy by Karl Marx", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-critique-of-political-economy-by-karl-marx", "tagline": "Uncovering the Hidden Structures of Capitalism and Revolutionizing the Way We Think About Economics", "description": "The Critique of Political Economy by Karl Marx is a groundbreaking work that examines the economic and social relationships of capitalism. In this work, Marx analyzes the capitalist system and its effects on the working class, as well as the role of the state in maintaining the system. He also examines the", "cat": "Political Science", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Karl", "Marx,", "Political", "Economy,", "Critique,", "Economics,", "Marxism"]}, {"_id": "the-wisdom-of-insecurity-by-alan-watts", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 91, "name": "91. 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The Phenomenology of Spirit by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", "title": "The Phenomenology of Spirit by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-phenomenology-of-spirit-by-georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Exploring the Depths of Human Consciousness and the Nature of Reality", "description": "The Phenomenology of Spirit by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is a philosophical work that explores the concept of self-consciousness and its relationship to the external world. It is a comprehensive examination of the development of the human spirit, from its earliest beginnings to its highest potential. Hegel's work is", "image": "", "tags": ["Philosophy,", "Georg", "Wilhelm", "Friedrich", "Hegel,", "Phenomenology,", "Spirit"]}, {"_id": "being-and-nothingness-by-jean-paul-sartre", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 4, "name": "4. 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The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche", "title": "The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-genealogy-of-morals-by-friedrich-nietzsche", "tagline": "Unraveling the Roots of Our Moral Values", "description": "The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche is a philosophical treatise that examines the origins of morality and its development throughout history. Nietzsche argues that morality is a product of the will to power, and that it is used to oppress the weak and to maintain the status quo. He further argues", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Friedrich", "Nietzsche,", "Genealogy", "of", "Morals,", "Philosophy,", "Ethics,", "Morality"]}, {"_id": "the-will-to-power-by-friedrich-nietzsche", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 15, "name": "15. The Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche", "title": "The Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-will-to-power-by-friedrich-nietzsche", "tagline": "Unlock Your Inner Strength and Transform Your Life with Friedrich Nietzsche\\'s Philosophy of Self-Mastery.", "description": "The Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche is a philosophical treatise exploring the concept of power and its implications for the individual and society. Nietzsche examines the role of power in the formation of morality, the nature of truth, and the relationship between the individual and the state. He also examines the nature", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Friedrich", "Nietzsche,", "Philosophy,", "Will", "to", "Power,", "Existentialism,", "Ethics,", "Morality"]}, {"_id": "the-myth-of-mental-illness-by-thomas-szasz", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 30, "name": "30. The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz", "title": "The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-myth-of-mental-illness-by-thomas-szasz", "tagline": "Uncovering the Truth Behind Mental Health and Wellbeing", "description": "This book by Thomas Szasz examines the concept of mental illness and its implications in society. Szasz argues that mental illness is a myth, and that it is used as a tool to control and manipulate people. He examines the history of mental illness and its various treatments, and challenges", "cat": "Mental Health", "image": "", "tags": ["#MentalIllness", "#ThomasSzasz", "#Myth", "#Psychology"]}, {"_id": "the-analysis-of-mind-by-bertrand-russell", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 90, "name": "90. The Analysis of Mind by Bertrand Russell", "title": "The Analysis of Mind by Bertrand Russell", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-analysis-of-mind-by-bertrand-russell", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Unlock the Secrets of the Human Mind with Bertrand Russell\\'s Groundbreaking Exploration.", "description": "This book by renowned philosopher Bertrand Russell examines the nature of the mind and its relationship to the physical world. Russell explores the implications of the mind's ability to think, reason, and form ideas, and how these mental processes are related to the physical world. He also examines the implications of", "image": "", "tags": ["Bertrand", "Russell,", "The", "Analysis", "of", "Mind,", "Philosophy,", "Psychology,", "Cognitive", "Science"]}, {"_id": "the-structure-of-scientific-revolutions-by-thomas-kuhn", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 21, "name": "21. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn", "title": "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-structure-of-scientific-revolutions-by-thomas-kuhn", "cat": "Non-Fiction", "tagline": "Unlock the Secrets of Paradigm Shifts and Transform Your Understanding of Science!", "description": "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn is a groundbreaking work that revolutionized the way we think about science. In this book, Kuhn argues that scientific progress does not occur in a linear fashion, but rather in a series of revolutions. He examines the history of science and identifies", "image": "", "tags": ["#ThomasKuhn", "#ScientificRevolutions", "#Structure", "#Philosophy", "#Science"]}, {"_id": "discourse-on-method-by-ren\u00e9-descartes", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 63, "name": "63. Discourse on Method by Ren\u00e9 Descartes", "title": "Discourse on Method by Ren\u00e9 Descartes", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "discourse-on-method-by-ren\u00e9-descartes", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Exploring the Path to Rational Thought", "description": "Discourse on Method by Ren\u00e9 Descartes is a philosophical treatise written by the French philosopher in 1637. In it, Descartes attempts to arrive at a fundamental set of principles that can be known with certainty and used as the basis for a philosophical system. He examines the", "image": "\u00e9-descartes.png", "tags": ["#Ren\u00e9Descartes", "#DiscourseonMethod", "#Philosophy", "#Epistemology", "#Metaphysics"]}, {"_id": "the-critique-of-practical-reason-by-immanuel-kant", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 66, "name": "66. The Critique of Practical Reason by Immanuel Kant", "title": "The Critique of Practical Reason by Immanuel Kant", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-critique-of-practical-reason-by-immanuel-kant", "tagline": "Uncovering the Rational Foundations of Moral Philosophy", "description": "The Critique of Practical Reason by Immanuel Kant is a philosophical work that examines the nature of morality and the limits of human reason. Kant argues that morality is based on a universal moral law, and that human reason can be used to discover this law. He also argues that morality is", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Immanuel", "Kant,", "The", "Critique", "of", "Practical", "Reason,", "Philosophy,", "Ethics,", "Morality"]}, {"_id": "the-meaning-of-life-by-terry-eagleton", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 97, "name": "97. The Meaning of Life by Terry Eagleton", "title": "The Meaning of Life by Terry Eagleton", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-meaning-of-life-by-terry-eagleton", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Uncover the Deeper Questions of Existence with Terry Eagleton\\'s Thought-Provoking Exploration of the Meaning of Life", "description": "This book by renowned literary theorist Terry Eagleton explores the timeless question of what the meaning of life is. Drawing on philosophy, literature, and religion, Eagleton examines the various ways in which people have sought to answer this question throughout history. He looks at the ideas of great thinkers such as", "image": "", "tags": ["Terry", "Eagleton,", "The", "Meaning", "of", "Life,", "Philosophy,", "Existentialism,", "Meaning,", "Life"]}, {"_id": "beyond-good-and-evil-by-friedrich-nietzsche", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 8, "name": "8. Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche", "title": "Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "beyond-good-and-evil-by-friedrich-nietzsche", "tagline": "Unlock the Power of Your True Self and Discover a New Way of Thinking.", "description": "Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche is a philosophical work that explores the concept of morality and the nature of good and evil. Through a series of thought-provoking essays, Nietzsche examines the traditional values of society and challenges the accepted notions of right and wrong. He questions the validity of morality", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Friedrich", "Nietzsche,", "Beyond", "Good", "and", "Evil,", "Philosophy,", "Existentialism,", "Ethics"]}, {"_id": "the-problems-of-philosophy-by-bertrand-russell", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 87, "name": "87. The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell", "title": "The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-problems-of-philosophy-by-bertrand-russell", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Uncovering the Complexities of Life\\'s Biggest Questions", "description": "This book by Bertrand Russell examines the fundamental questions of philosophy, such as the nature of knowledge, the limits of reason, and the existence of God. Through a series of essays, Russell examines the various theories of the major philosophers of the past and present, and provides his own insights into", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Bertrand", "Russell,", "Philosophy,", "Problems,", "The", "Problems", "of", "Philosophy"]}, {"_id": "critique-of-pure-reason-by-immanuel-kant", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 60, "name": "60. Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant", "title": "Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "critique-of-pure-reason-by-immanuel-kant", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Unlock the Power of Reason with Kant\\'s Classic Work!", "description": "This book is an analysis of the philosophical works of Immanuel Kant, focusing on his major work, Critique of Pure Reason. Kant's work is considered to be one of the most influential philosophical works in history, and this book provides an in-depth look at his theories and arguments.", "image": "", "tags": ["Immanuel", "Kant,", "Critique", "of", "Pure", "Reason,", "Philosophy,", "Metaphysics,", "Epistemology"]}, {"_id": "the-myth-of-sisyphus-by-albert-camus", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 82, "name": "82. The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus", "title": "The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-myth-of-sisyphus-by-albert-camus", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Unlock the Meaning of Life\\'s Most Perplexing Paradox", "description": "The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus is a philosophical essay exploring the absurd and the meaning of life. In the essay, Camus examines the ancient Greek myth of Sisyphus, a man condemned to an eternity of rolling a boulder up a hill only to have it", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Albert", "Camus,", "Mythology,", "Existentialism,", "Philosophy,", "Sisyphus"]}, {"_id": "the-concept-of-law-by-h.l.a", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 29, "name": "29. The Concept of Law by H.L.A. Hart", "title": "The Concept of Law by H.L.A", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-concept-of-law-by-h.l.a", "tagline": "Uncovering the Principles of a Just Society", "description": "This book by H.L.A. Hart examines the concept of law and its role in society. Hart provides an in-depth analysis of the nature of law, its origins, and its relationship to morality and justice. He discusses the various theories of law, including natural law", "cat": "Legal Theory/Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Law,", "H.L.A.", "Hart,", "Legal", "Theory,", "Jurisprudence,", "Philosophy", "of", "Law"]}, {"_id": "the-world-as-will-and-representation-by-arthur-schopenhauer", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 7, "name": "7. The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer", "title": "The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-world-as-will-and-representation-by-arthur-schopenhauer", "tagline": "Exploring the Boundaries of Human Perception and Understanding", "description": "The World as Will and Representation is a philosophical treatise by Arthur Schopenhauer, first published in 1818. In this work, Schopenhauer examines the metaphysical nature of reality, arguing that the world is composed of a single underlying substance, which he calls \u201cWill", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["#ArthurSchopenhauer", "#Philosophy", "#TheWorldAsWillAndRepresentation", "#Metaphysics"]}, {"_id": "the-genealogy-of-morals-by-friedrich-nietzsche", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 40, "name": "40. The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche", "title": "The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-genealogy-of-morals-by-friedrich-nietzsche", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Unraveling the Roots of Our Moral Values", "description": "The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche is a philosophical treatise that examines the origins of morality and its development throughout history. Nietzsche argues that morality is a product of the will to power, and that it is used to oppress the weak and to maintain the status quo. He further argues", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Friedrich", "Nietzsche,", "Genealogy", "of", "Morals,", "Philosophy,", "Ethics,", "Morality"]}, {"_id": "being-and-nothingness-by-jean-paul-sartre", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 58, "name": "58. Being and Nothingness by Jean-Paul Sartre", "title": "Being and Nothingness by Jean-Paul Sartre", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "being-and-nothingness-by-jean-paul-sartre", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Exploring the Boundaries of Existence and Non-Existence", "description": "Being and Nothingness by Jean-Paul Sartre is a philosophical treatise that examines the nature of being and nothingness. It is considered one of the most influential works of 20th century philosophy and is a cornerstone of existentialism. The book explores the fundamental questions of existence, such", "image": "", "tags": ["Jean-Paul", "Sartre,", "Being", "and", "Nothingness,", "Existentialism,", "Philosophy,", "Literary", "Criticism"]}, {"_id": "the-critique-of-pure-reason-by-immanuel-kant", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 71, "name": "71. The Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant", "title": "The Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-critique-of-pure-reason-by-immanuel-kant", "tagline": "Uncovering the Philosophical Foundations of Modern Thought", "description": "This classic philosophical work by Immanuel Kant examines the limits of human understanding and the scope of rational inquiry. Kant argues that the human mind is limited in its ability to comprehend the world, and that the only knowledge we can attain is through the use of reason. He examines the nature of space", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Immanuel", "Kant,", "The", "Critique", "of", "Pure", "Reason,", "Philosophy,", "Enlightenment,", "German", "Idealism"]}, {"_id": "the-critique-of-judgment-by-immanuel-kant", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 73, "name": "73. The Critique of Judgment by Immanuel Kant", "title": "The Critique of Judgment by Immanuel Kant", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-critique-of-judgment-by-immanuel-kant", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Unlock the Power of Reason with Kant\\'s Groundbreaking Analysis!", "description": "The Critique of Judgment by Immanuel Kant is a philosophical treatise in which Kant examines the faculty of judgment and its role in aesthetic and teleological judgment. Kant argues that the faculty of judgment is a higher cognitive power than understanding, and that it is the basis of aesthetic and teleological", "image": "", "tags": ["Immanuel", "Kant,", "The", "Critique", "of", "Judgment,", "Philosophy,", "Critique,", "Judgment"]}, {"_id": "meditations-by-marcus-aurelius", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 78, "name": "78. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius", "title": "Meditations by Marcus Aurelius", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "meditations-by-marcus-aurelius", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Find Inner Peace and Clarity with the Ancient Wisdom of Marcus Aurelius", "description": "Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is a timeless collection of Stoic philosophy from the Roman emperor and philosopher. This book offers readers a unique insight into the mind of one of the most influential thinkers of all time. Through his reflections on life and death, duty and destiny, and the", "image": "", "tags": ["#Meditations", "#MarcusAurelius", "#Philosophy", "#Stoicism", "#SelfImprovement", "#SelfReflection"]}, {"_id": "the-concept-of-the-political-by-carl-schmitt", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 34, "name": "34. The Concept of the Political by Carl Schmitt", "title": "The Concept of the Political by Carl Schmitt", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-concept-of-the-political-by-carl-schmitt", "tagline": "Exploring the Foundations of Power and Authority in the Modern World", "description": "The Concept of the Political by Carl Schmitt is a groundbreaking work that examines the fundamental nature of politics and its role in modern society. In this book, Schmitt examines the concept of the political from a variety of perspectives, including its historical development, its philosophical implications, and its practical applications", "cat": "Political Theory", "image": "", "tags": ["#CarlSchmitt", "#PoliticalTheory", "#PoliticalPhilosophy", "#PoliticalConcepts"]}, {"_id": "the-phenomenology-of-spirit-by-georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 70, "name": "70. The Phenomenology of Spirit by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", "title": "The Phenomenology of Spirit by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-phenomenology-of-spirit-by-georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Exploring the Depths of Human Consciousness and the Nature of Reality", "description": "The Phenomenology of Spirit by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is a philosophical work that explores the concept of self-consciousness and its relationship to the external world. It is a comprehensive examination of the development of the human spirit, from its earliest beginnings to its highest potential. Hegel's work is", "image": "", "tags": ["Philosophy,", "Georg", "Wilhelm", "Friedrich", "Hegel,", "Phenomenology,", "Spirit"]}, {"_id": "the-social-contract-by-jean-jacques-rousseau", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 41, "name": "41. The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau", "title": "The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "the-social-contract-by-jean-jacques-rousseau", "cat": "Philosophy", "tagline": "Discover the Revolutionary Ideas that Shaped Modern Society", "description": "The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a classic work of political philosophy that examines the foundations of civil society. It explores the relationship between the individual and the state, and argues that legitimate government is based on the consent of the governed. Rousseau's ideas had a profound influence", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Jean-Jacques", "Rousseau,", "Social", "Contract,", "Philosophy,", "Political", "Theory,", "Enlightenment"]}, {"_id": "nicomachean-ethics-by-aristotle", "status": "UPDATED", "rank": 2, "name": "2. Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle", "title": "Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle", "db": "AIDB", "collection": "_ITEM", "price": "NA", "rating": "NA", "reviews": "NA", "cta": "", "data": "gpt3", "slug": "nicomachean-ethics-by-aristotle", "tagline": "Discover the Ancient Wisdom of the Philosopher Who Changed the World", "description": "The Nicomachean Ethics is a philosophical work by Aristotle, written in the 4th century BC. It is one of the most influential works of philosophy in Western thought, and is considered to be the foundation of ethical thought. The work covers topics such as the nature of happiness, the", "cat": "Philosophy", "image": "", "tags": ["Tags:", "Aristotle,", "Nicomachean", "Ethics,", "Philosophy,", "Ethics,", "Ancient", "Greek", "Philosophy"]}], "listResults": ["1. The Republic by Plato", "2. Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle", "3. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius", "4. Being and Nothingness by Jean-Paul Sartre", "5. The Prince by Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli", "6. Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant", "7. The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer", "8. Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche", "9. The Phenomenology of Spirit by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", "10. The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau", "11. The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus", "12. Discourse on Method by Ren\u00e9 Descartes", "13. The Open Society and Its Enemies by Karl Popper", "14. A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume", "15. The Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche", "16. The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell", "17. The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius", "18. The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James", "19. The Analysis of Mind by Bertrand Russell", "20. The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts", "21. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn", "22. The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche", "23. The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm", "24. The Concept of Mind by Gilbert Ryle", "25. The Varieties of Existential Experience by Rollo May", "26. The Meaning of Life by Terry Eagleton", "27. The Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty", "28. The Courage to Be by Paul Tillich", "29. The Concept of Law by H.L.A. Hart", "30. The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz", "31. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn", "32. The Concept of Anxiety by S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard", "33. The Nature of the Good by Plato", "34. The Concept of the Political by Carl Schmitt", "35. The Phenomenology of Spirit by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", "36. The Will to Believe by William James", "37. The Open Society and Its Enemies by Karl Popper", "38. The Concept of Mind by Gilbert Ryle", "39. The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James", "40. The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche", "41. The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau", "42. The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell", "43. The Analysis of Mind by Bertrand Russell", "44. The Courage to Be by Paul Tillich", "45. The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus", "46. The Varieties of Existential Experience by Rollo May", "47. The Meaning of Life by Terry Eagleton", "48. The Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty", "49. The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts", "50. The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm", "51. The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz", "52. The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius", "53. The Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche", "54. A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume", "55. The Republic by Plato", "56. Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle", "57. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius", "58. Being and Nothingness by Jean-Paul Sartre", "59. The Prince by Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli", "60. Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant", "61. The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer", "62. Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche", "63. Discourse on Method by Ren\u00e9 Descartes", "64. The Passions of the Soul by Ren\u00e9 Descartes", "65. The Critique of Judgment by Immanuel Kant", "66. The Critique of Practical Reason by Immanuel Kant", "67. The Critique of Dialectical Reason by Jean-Paul Sartre", "68. The Critique of Political Economy by Karl Marx", "69. The Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty", "70. The Phenomenology of Spirit by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", "71. The Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant", "72. The Critique of Practical Reason by Immanuel Kant", "73. The Critique of Judgment by Immanuel Kant", "74. The Critique of Dialectical Reason by Jean-Paul Sartre", "75. The Critique of Political Economy by Karl Marx", "76. The Republic by Plato", "77. Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle", "78. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius", "79. Being and Nothingness by Jean-Paul Sartre", "80. The Prince by Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli", "81. The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau", "82. The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus", "83. Discourse on Method by Ren\u00e9 Descartes", "84. The Open Society and Its Enemies by Karl Popper", "85. A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume", "86. The Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche", "87. The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell", "88. The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius", "89. The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James", "90. The Analysis of Mind by Bertrand Russell", "91. The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts", "92. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn", "93. The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche", "94. The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm", "95. The Concept of Mind by Gilbert Ryle", "96. The Varieties of Existential Experience by Rollo May", "97. The Meaning of Life by Terry Eagleton", "98. The Courage to Be by Paul Tillich", "99. The Concept of Law by H.L.A. Hart", "100. The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz"]}